Monday, December 2, 2013

This is too similar to my last post but I'm posting it anyways

Every year around Thanksgiving I make a list of 100 things I'm sincerely, deeply, I-would-die-without-this grateful for.  This can take literally like six days and many iPhone notes (ex. me while driving: "Siri, can you make a note for me? Write 'thankful for green lights when I'm late for work'").  But although I am just as grateful as in years past, I don't have that kind of time.  So here are 50 things off the top of my head, in no particular order, that I am grateful for and you should be too.

1. fireworks
2. wet puppy noses
3. Disneyland snow
4. Febreeze
5. ballet flats that fit in purses
6. candy cane ice cream
7. job security
8. Kristen Wiig
9. cheap gas
10. a supportive family
11. extension cords
12. sunglasses that don't break within 3 months
13. iPhone maps
14. people who cook things
15. Netflix
16. having a couch AND a TV
17. warm beach days
18. fireplaces
19. non-itchy sweaters
20. air conditioning
21. a fast metabolism
22. luck
23. superglue
24. good morning kisses
25. vivid sunsets
26. farmers markets
27. good eyesight
28. Elton John
29. hardcover books
30. airplanes that aren't freezing cold
31. holidays I can spend with family
32. free food
33. forgiveness
34. Christmas lights
35. T.S. Eliot
36. magicians
37. Goodwill
38. carpet stain remover
39. handmade quilts
40. good spellers
41. blueberry bagels
42. double-ply toilet paper
43. Target
44. never having to go through a breakup ever again
45. smile wrinkles
46. dishwashers
47. big, leafy trees
48. candlelight
49. Nutella
50. peace

May your holidays be filled with time-and-a-half paychecks, family card games and extra-thick socks!