Monday, December 17, 2012



- playing Black Ops 2 zombies on repeat for hours with the boy and not getting better AT ALL
- marathons upon marathons of Big Bang Theory, thanks to a roommate who bought every season on Black Friday
- candy cane Joe Joe's from Trader Joes, courtesy of my beautiful mother
- NOT falling while ice skating!! (ice skating is my natural enemy)
- having a REAL Christmas tree in our apartment that we bought and smuggled up the stairs and decorated all on our own (they're a "fire hazard", apparently, and we could get kicked out for it, but we bought it anyways because CHRISTMAS SPIRIT DUH)
- friends texting me SPECIFICALLY because they have egg nog in their apartment and know what I'm all about
- taking the long way home at 2 am just so I can see some Christmas lights on big houses
- receiving videos of my woozy sister after getting her wisdom teeth removed

And here are some lovely pictures:


"Shea let's do a duck face on the picture" "OKAY"

Matching wounds and cupcakes

RYDER the love of my life

Piece of the Berlin Wall at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Locations I have searched recently (HAHA)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Work, Caffeine, Television, Repeat

I think I haven't blogged lately because there's really not anything to blog about.  Life has become a marathon of getting 5 hours of sleep a night, living off of caffeine, working 8 hour shifts and hanging out with friends when I should be attempting to keep my body from breaking down by the age of 28. 

Here's an average day in the life of Shea:

I wake up at 6 AM and get ready for work while listening to Drunk by Ed Sheeran on repeat.  It's ironic how much I enjoy a song about something I've never done.  I get to work less than 5 minutes before I'm supposed to start, A COMPLETE MIRACLE since I left 15 minutes later than I should have due to eyeliner OCD issues.  I am close enough to being late that I am sweating from walking quickly from the shuttle but early enough that I have time to check Twitter and Instagram and realize that all of my friends are just as wonderfully miserable/happy as I am.  After spending the first 2 hours of my shift in a slightly frustrated, exhausted daze, I down the 5 hour energy shot that I have been carrying around all week as my plan B.  I run around like a seemingly inebriated madwoman for the next 6 hours until I am finally off.  I return home to an empty apartment, put on leggings and a hoodie, eat one of my grandma's brownies because it's the single food source I have that involves the least amount of effort, and crash in the pitch-black living room for a half hour until I am woken rudely by a phone call from a boy I'm a little too excited to see.  I drag my bones off the couch, put on the same flannel shirt, skinny jeans, and Docs I've worn for a week and return to the happiest place on earth.  I cry watching the Christmas fireworks show (like I do EVERY SINGLE TIME) with its emotionally-exploiting usage of I'll Be Home For Christmas and position myself right below the gingerbread-scented "snow" machines. 

I figure this counts as a shower. 

I eat dinner at 11:30 pm and fall asleep at 1:30 in the morning watching Elf with my roommate Jamie.  She wakes me up when it's over because she is concerned I might be dead (this legitimately has happened) and also knows how mad I'll be in the morning when my skin is breaking out because I didn't wash my makeup off.  I almost forgo flossing because I can't stand up straight at the sink, but my vanity wins out.  I crawl up the ladder to the top bunk, put in earbuds, and the next thing I know, my alarm is going off again.

This is my groundhog day.

But as exhausting as it is, I don't want it to end.  I love this place.  I love this job.  I love these friends.  And I could keep it all. 

Pray for me.  Some decisions I can't make on my own.