Thursday, November 8, 2012


1.  Here's something to chew on: imagine riding the Tower of Terror WITH ALL THE LIGHTS OUT.  No dialogue, no ghosts, no "wave goodbye to the real world", no key phrase to listen for because you know that's when the drop comes.  Nothing but darkness and everyone around you going into cardiac arrest, by the sound of it.  Yep.  The advantages of working at Disneyland.
2.  Something I hate that people close to me do: chain smoking.  Is there any easier way to passive-aggressively kill yourself?
3.  One of the best ways to heal a broken heart is trying on dresses you could never afford in a two-story Anthropologie on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.
4.  I've played Taylor Swift's new album so many times this week and so loudly that I'm pretty sure my neighbors are filing a petition to get me kicked out of my apartment.
5.  Something really cool: when the cashier in the Sprinkles in Beverly Hills RECOGNIZES YOU, asks if you're from Modesto, and tells you she used to go to church with you.  Four years ago.  And you actually remember her!  It's a small world after all (I am SO SORRY)
6.  I hate to get political.  I didn't even vote ( I KNOW, the shame, please forward all hate mail to my home address).  But I was really, really disappointed by the blatant displays of racism, ignorance and pure hatred I saw on social media after the presidential election results were released.  American politics are just turning into another poorly rated, pointlessly conflict-fueled reality TV show.  Let's have some dignity and some patriotism.  A real American who cares about our country will stand by our president, whether he (or she) is black or white, gay or straight, Mormon or atheist, REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT.  The future rests on all of our shoulders, guys, not just one person's.
7.  This week has been rough.  I'm not going to lie.  As Michael Scott so eloquently put it, "It feels like somebody took my heart and dropped it into a bucket of boiling tears.  And, at the same time, somebody else is hitting my soul in the crotch with a frozen sledgehammer.  And then a third guy walks in and starts punching me in the grief bone." 

Love sucks, you guys.

But it's funny how, when you're walking through the Christmas decorations on Disneyland's Main St. in the pouring rain with Ghiradelli peppermint hot chocolate in your hand and your best friend by your side, that you find yourself again.

Isn't it nice to know that the lining is silver?

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