Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Clint Eastwood time

- both my hamsters are still alive (and safely caged)
- being able to afford to attend two weddings in two weeks, both 6 hours of travel away
- having a new car that gets such incredible gas mileage compared to the truck that I cry every time I'm at the gas station
- DR. PEPPER (it's in my genes, you can't blame me)
- having BOOKS on my bookshelf again, one of my favorite parts of going home and coming back

- living with someone who I so greatly dread coming in contact with that I won't even leave my room to pee when she's home
- feeling a little bit vindicated when said person tells me she has to move back home because she's broke
- dropping my phone face first and completely shattering the screen the likes of which the iPhone world has never seen  :(

- my hair after working 4 hours at Chipotle under an ugly sweaty hat and then driving 6 hours with my Giants snapback on.  The first words my mother said to me when I woke up the next morning: "You NEED to wash your hair."
- when your jeans are SO TIGHT in the calf area that the nice Asian lady who gave you a pedicure uses her entire body weight to try and roll them back down and actually apologizes to you because she can't do it
- my mother and I borderline sobbing together when I opened my car door to drive back to Anaheim and my puppy jumped in the front seat, thinking she was coming along

The good list could have gone on for hours.
But I don't want to bore you.
Nobody likes seeing other people happy.

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