Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Unexcused Absence


I've been inexplicably inactive for a month and a half now.  I'd like to rationalize this by placing the blame on these things, instead of just sheer laziness:

1.  I am working close to 50 hours a week now, 5 days at Chipotle and 5 at Disneyland.  I have had literal 12 hour work days several times recently.  I had my first day not working either job in 3 months last Friday, and I was so bored/wonderstruck with my new freedom that I drove to Venice Beach, by myself, for 3 hours.  All I did was buy an Oreo milkshake, try on 4238 pairs of sunglasses, and shield my eyes while passing the medicinal marijuana clinics every 50 feet.

2.  One night while watching Rob and Big I was whining about how much I wanted a puppy.  My darling boyfriend surprised me 3 days later with two dwarf hamster brothers, who we named Bennie and Jet.  I was ecstatic.  But much to my horror, Jet escaped from his cage literally within 4 hours of me bringing him home.  He lives under the stove now.  I just set food out on the kitchen floor every night and it's gone in the morning.  So that's fun.

3.  At the risk of being too explicit, let me just say this: be sure you know who you're living with before you actually start living with them.

Too much?

4.  I've been in two accidents in the space of one month.  One wasn't my fault.  But talk about a major ego hit.  I think I drive like James Bond and everyone else thinks I drive like I have a deathwish.


6.  I almost always smell like steak and grease.  I'm completely out of socks.  I haven't taken out my garbage or washed any dishes in a month.  But I have commanded a paper airplane brigade of four boys under 10 years old on the back row at church.


And that's the majority of what we've missed.  The rest I'll compensate for in pictures.

my apartment assembly crew

my lovely new bedroom

finishing puzzles at 2 AM, half-asleep


just a sample of how that whole trip went

reprising midnight Sprinkles trips with Jamie

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