Sunday, August 18, 2013

10 Things You Probably Have a Love/Hate Relationship With About Me

1.  I don't post on my blog.  Get over it (but also I'm deeply sorry).
2.  I saw One Direction in concert.  In a $90 seat that sold out over a year ago.  I'm expecting two different reactions to this news so I will address both:
No, I am not a raging 1D fan, I did not buy the tickets, and I was forcibly coerced into going by my best friend, and
Yes, it was pretty awesome.
3.  This whole "free Chipotle because I work there" thing has escalated to the point that I will LITERALLY vomit if I try to eat it.  So yes, I am on my deathbed.  If you wish to send me flowers/chocolate/large sums of money please contact me for further details.
4.  I spent a week in Hawaii with my family which, I won't lie, was amazing BUT
5.  I am currently so tan that instead of the usual polite "Do you speak Spanish" at Disneyland
I am now just immediately accosted with rapid-fire questions.  This happens at least every 20 minutes.  It is kind of funny but also completely out of control.  I took 2.5 years of B-grade high school Spanish.  It's not happening.
6.  Don't have time to work out?  No problem!!!  With two jobs and a relationship and friends visiting and housing issues, (imminent) ulcers will do the job for you! *sponsored ad*
7.  Since my boyfriend brought me a TV and his PS3, I spend my free time binge-watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix and I hate it so much.  Productivity in my free time is laughably nonexistent.
8.  I turned 21 and now all I have to look forward to is being able to rent a car when I'm 25 :(
9.  I'm already bored of this blog post, are you
10.  See ya in a few weeks!  Or whatever, you know.  Not good with commitment.


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