Sunday, October 6, 2013

Taking Stock

Today I'm taking a page from my blogger idol, Sydney Poulton of  This one's gonna be a doozy, but I'm trying to catch up.  Sorry for my slacking!

Making: tea currently, because yelling at people at Disneyland all day really wears on your throat
Cooking: those $1 pasta sides.  Every night.  Over and over.
Drinking: pumpkin spice lattes, God's gift to fall and every legging-loving white girl
Reading: mostly schedules, shift trade requests and tweets.  But I did read The Sun Also Rises a month ago, trying to finish up all my Hemingway
Wanting: MORE TIME
Looking: for a new phone case for my iPhone 5c.  I no longer am finding pieces of screen glass in the pockets of my pants and that is such a beautiful thing
Playing: Star Wars: Force Unleashed II with Chris and finishing the whole game in one night.  Like the champions/losers we are.
Wasting: the very little spare time I have doing things like watching and copying Jessica Rabbit makeup tutorials (which require covering your eyebrows with glue.  DO NOT ATTEMPT)
Sewing: haha
Wishing: again, that I had more time.  To read books and create music and call my mom and love my boyfriend and eat real food.  Someday.
Enjoying: the cooler weather... NOT because IT DOESN'T EXIST
Waiting: for the glorious day I don't have to work two jobs to stay alive anymore
Liking: seeing Halloween everywhere :)
Wondering: when I can go home and see my puppy again
Loving: taking naps together with the back door cracked open to feel the breeze and waking up with his arms still around me, the sun just setting golden on the bedroom wall.
Hoping: that the moments like that can last forever.
Marveling: at how often I manage to make it to work on time, despite my procrastination and/or short intervals between jobs.  Jesus can control traffic lights, let me tell you
Needing: just one day off.  Just ONE.
Smelling: cookies, because my new roommate makes a batch a week.  This is gonna work out well.
Wearing: the cool hoodies Chris left at my house once like every time I go to the grocery store at night.  Sorry babe :)
Following: my dreams.  Follow me, Shea Julie on  :)
Noticing: everyone my age getting married or having babies.  But I'm just a kid still.  And I'm okay with that.
Knowing: that someday, I'll miss all this.
Thinking: that even as busy as I am, I have a beautiful life.
Feeling: so grateful for all of the people that keep me going day to day.  I am so blessed to know so many people that love me much more than I deserve.
Bookmarking: recipes and Pinterest DIY projects, for a day when I have more people to care of than just myself.
Opening: the door to my room and finding the boy I love asleep in my bed, waiting for me.
Giggling: with the people I love, every day, on lunch breaks and phone calls, over pizza and clever texts.  Giggling like I haven't since before I can remember.
Feeling: HAPPY.

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